Navigation guards are used to control what features of an application authorized users can access.
Navigation guards ensure security and improves user experience by keeping your app safe and efficient.
In Nuxt, middleware are special functions that run before your page is rendered, making it ideal for implementing navigation guards.
There are three types of middleware in Nuxt: anonymous, named, and global.
Anonymous middleware is middleware that’s defined inside a page whereas named middleware is defined in a standalone file in the middleware directory, and can be run on multiple pages.
Global middleware utility should be used sparingly as it runs every time the user accesses any page under its domain.
Middleware executes in the predefined order as global middleware, and followed by middleware defined in the middleware array of definePageMeta.
You should write navigation guards as a lean and pure function.
There is a danger of creating an infinite loop while writing navigation guards if not careful.
By efficiently implementing navigation guards, you can ensure smooth and effective navigation throughout your app.