This article covers modern CSS properties and at-rules that help solve common challenges in web development
The @scope rule defines a boundary within which certain styles apply. This boundary is determined by a selector
The @supports rule checks if a given CSS property or feature is supported by the browser. If the condition evaluates to true, the enclosed styles are applied
The content-visibility property tells the browser to skip the rendering of the element's contents if they're not currently visible in the viewport
The aspect-ratio property ensures the element maintains its proportions even if the container size changes
The @keyframes rule defines a series of style changes that should occur at specified points during an animation
The @starting-style rule helps create smooth and predictable CSS transitions. It defines the initial styles that should be applied to an element before a transition begins.
The offset-position property, used with offset-path, allows for complex, precise animations that go beyond simple linear movements
The text-wrap property adjusts line breaks for improved readability
The white-space-collapse property offers precise control over how whitespace is handled in text, allowing for collapsing, preserving, or other custom behaviors