NumPy is a powerful open-source library in Python used for working with large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.NumPy has a variety of built-in functions for arithmetic and mathematical operations, statistical analysis, and other advanced operations.NumPy is widely used in image processing tasks since images can be represented as multi-dimensional arrays.NumPy supports the creation of n-dimensional arrays and the dimension of an array is determined by counting the number of square brackets.In NumPy, arrays can hold elements of different data types, which are specified when the array is created.Broadcasting refers to the ability of NumPy to perform element-wise operations on arrays of different shapes and function is used to join multiple arrays along a new axis, effectively adding a new dimension to the resulting array.The np.split() function is used to split arrays into multiple sub-arrays along a specified function is used whenever we want to insert value in a specified index.Matrix is different from an array in the way that it performs matrix calculations like dot multiplication.