AI technology uses vector databases, which mirror how the human brain processes and retrieves information. Vectors act like GPS coordinates for ideas, meaning the mathematical coordinates map and contextualize concepts, meanings, and relationships. Reading, writing, and querying are the three core skills needed to interact with AI, as machines rely on searching for patterns and relationships, much like the human brain does when recalling a memory. When communicating with AI, it is essential to know how information connects and relates, as this will help guide these systems to insights more effectively.
Reading in the AI age requires processing and synthesizing complex information quickly and accurately.
Writing for AI requires precision and structure, aiming to communicate in ways that machines can interpret.
Querying is about asking questions in ways that optimize AI's capabilities and human intuition.
The future of AI-augmented economy requires communication skills that can maintain human creative qualities with AI's analytical prowess.
Vector databases excel at compression, organizing information hierarchically, and identifying similar patterns and connections between terms. Developing such skills for interacting with AI means those with human insights can complement AI and not be replaced by it.
Qatafa AI's founder, Khufere Qhamata, recommends understanding how information connects and relating this knowledge machine technology to develop effective AI-communication skills. The future lies in technology enhancing, rather than replacing, human capabilities.