Powerledger (POWR) is currently priced at $0.32 with a market cap of $162,597,353.90.In the past 24 hours, POWR has seen an increase of 1.96%, and over the last 7 days, it has risen by 2.15%.The price prediction for Powerledger in 2025 suggests a potential ROI of 33% with a minimum price of $0.1762 in March and an average price of $0.2386.For 2026, the projected average price of Powerledger is around $0.3570, with the highest price prediction of $0.3992.By 2030, analysts anticipate the average price of POWR to reach $1.47, potentially offering a substantial ROI of 858.8%.Similarly, by 2040, Powerledger is forecasted to achieve a maximum price of $133.69, while in 2050, it could soar up to $187.61.It is essential to conduct thorough research and exercise caution when considering investments in cryptocurrencies due to their volatile nature.