This paper explores a hybrid approach to real-time geospatial intelligence by leveraging Rust WebAssembly for browser-based spatial computations and Python-based predictive AI models for advanced geospatial reasoning.
Real-world hydrogeological data from Brazil was utilized to evaluate the system and demonstrate its capabilities.
The proposed system allows real-time point-in-polygon (PIP) analysis and clustering in the browser while offloading computationally intensive predictive tasks (e.g., traffic forecasting, geospatial feature analysis) to a Python backend using GeoBERT.
The system performs point-in-polygon (PIP) analysis, map-based clustering, and geospatial queries.
The project ensures greater authenticity and applicability to real-world scenarios by leveraging actual geospatial datasets, such as well locations, aquifer geometries, and relevant contextual information.
The code is designed with WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) compatibility, allowing seamless integration into WebAssembly runtimes for enhanced cross-platform support.
This approach enables efficient processing of large-scale geospatial data while maintaining high accuracy and adaptability for real-world applications.
This project exemplifies a cutting-edge integration of Rust, WebAssembly, and Python to solve real-world geospatial challenges with precision and efficiency.
By combining the computational performance of Rust and WASM for Point-in-Polygon (PIP) analysis with the AI capabilities of GeoBERT for contextual classification, we have created a system that seamlessly processes geospatial data at scale while deriving actionable insights.
This approach not only showcases the power of interdisciplinary collaboration but also sets a benchmark for developing intelligent geospatial systems in the future.