Technologies enabling augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) training experiences are slowly gaining traction in packaging companies across the world such as Greif, Papacks, Smurfit Westrock and Sonoco.
AR and VR are currently best suited for frontline workers such as those in the heavy manufacturing industry to perform training, but not management employees.
Although the adoption rate of such technologies remains small, it is growing quickly and may potentially transform the way packaging companies operate.
The COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures have been the driving factors behind an uptick in the market demand for AR and VR.
AR technology used for internal company purposes is only beginning to gain traction.
The benefits of AR and VR technologies for most employees’ safety during training experiences makes it a standout prospect over the next five or six years.
XR tools are a one-time investment that reduce or eliminate the perennial need for employee travel saving company costs as well as emissions.
Companies must target XR technology usage aimed at employees whose work requires operating or maintaining heavy machinery.
Companies recommend a measured response to mitigate financial risk while integrating extended reality into company training and other processes.
AR and VR technologies possess enormous promise for boosting employees’ safety during equipment operations and maintenance training.