This article covers how React Context provides a way to manage global state without the need for prop drilling, while useState manages local component state.
The combination simplifies state management in small to medium-sized applications.
The author recommends using context in conjunction with useState for simpler state management.
The article provides a step-by-step guide for creating an application using React Context and useState.
Each child component consumes the context using the useContext hook to access the shared state and update it as needed.
The article explains why using React Context and useState together can be advantageous.
Advantages mentioned include no prop drilling, simpler state management, and a lightweight solution perfect for small to medium-sized apps where Redux might be overkill.
This approach makes state management more efficient, simple, and elegant.
In conclusion, leveraging React Context and useState together is a clean and maintainable way to manage and update state across your React application.
The article provides a download link for the example application.