Redis is an open-source, in-memory data store that is super fast and used for multiple purposes like caching, storing data, and managing messages.
The spring-boot-starter-redis is a Spring Boot starter that simplifies integrating Redis into Spring applications. It includes all the necessary dependencies to connect, configure, and operate with Redis.
By leveraging cached data, the application can significantly reduce the number of database queries, thereby improving efficiency.
Spring Boot provides the spring-boot-starter-redis starter to easily communicate with the Redis server. It offers various components to interact with Redis efficiently.
Steps to integrate Redis with Spring Boot includes: Add Maven Dependency, Configure Redis Connection, Create the configuration class for configure the JedisConnectionFactory or RedisTemplate, Create the Rest Controller to create the endpoints.
Distributed Caching is a caching technique where the cache data is stored on a centralized cache server (e.g., Redis), which can be accessed by multiple microservices simultaneously.
Benefits of Redis Integration includes High Performance, Easy Integration, Supports Various Data Structures, Caching and Scalability.
By using Redis as a centralized cache server shared across multiple microservices, you enable Distributed Caching.
Redis integration enhances the system's performance, ensures consistency, and reduces latency, making it ideal for modern microservice-based architectures.
For a fully working Spring Boot and Redis example, check out the author's GitHub repository provided in the article.