Stacklok has donated its Minder project to the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), helping development teams set up a system of proactive checks and policies to minimize supply chain risks.
Minder ensures that all packages built by developers using the project are cryptographically signed to enforce best practices.
The extensible nature of Minder will allow it to become a platform for other OpenSSF project integration.
It has the potential to integrate a variety of security tools and make them easier to adopt.
Stacklok founder, Craig McLuckie hopes that Minder will form a community anchor and become a common integration framework.
Minder is a system that can apply controls across the entire application lifecycle, starting at the IDE and with the developer’s local package manager, all the way to the production environment.
While software supply chain wasn’t always top of mind for developers, recent attacks have brought it to the forefront.
Google is supporting Minder and helping Stacklok drive integrations with services like the open source vulnerability database.
For Stacklok, the more successful Minder is as an open-source project, the more likely enterprises are to come to Stacklok for support, or to subscribe to its hosted service.
Stacklok wants Minder to be a community-centric platform that is community-owned even as the organization plans to commercialize it.