Real-time data insights are transforming the customer experience across businesses and organziations.
Top quartile real-time businesses (RTBs) experienced over 62% higher revenue growth and 97% higher profit margins than the bottom quartile according to a recent study.
64% of data streaming adopters in the APAC region have seen a ROI of 5x or greater, rising up to 69% for Indonesian and 71% for Indian companies specifically.
Startups can use real-time data to drive product evolution and stay ahead of shifting market trends by unlocking insights from continuous, real-time data streams.
Real-time data technology is crucial for startups that are looking to disrupt their industries and achieve rapid growth.
Applying AI models as quickly as possible against real-time data streams is key for businesses, and particularly for fraud detection, where inferencing at close proximity to the data stream is crucial.
B2B real-time data sharing is a growing trend in industries such as the logistics and financial sectors.
Data streaming products, by making data more easily accessible to innovate, and the democratization of data through self-serving data products, are now proving to be key trends in data access and usage.
India, where data streaming adoption and talent is high, is now one of Confluent's fastest-growing markets.
The rise of RTBs is inevitable in today's fast-paced business environment and depends on real-time data streaming that can unlock vital information about customers and markets.