The top 10 books for product management include ‘The Lean Startup’, ‘Customers Want’ and ‘Inspired’. These offer practical guidance to product managers across different stages to refine and grow their products. Bestselling author Marty Cagan encourages cultivating the right product culture with a focus on customers. ‘Cracking the PM Interview’ is the quintessential guide for those hoping to apply to FAANG. ‘Hacking Growth’ addresses the scaling growth of companies and introduces the concept of a North Star metric.
‘Continuous Discovery Habits’ introduces a new discovery framework called the ‘Opportunity Solution Tree’. It addresses product discovery methodology, mapping product outcome OKRs, opportunities, and solution validation. ‘Testing Business Ideas’ offers hands-on techniques for testing business ideation, while seven out of ten new products fail to do so.
‘The Design of Everyday Things’ is a widely read classic that demonstrates how design can enhance user satisfaction with products. ‘UX for Lean Startups’ offers innovative and cost-effective strategies to design products and services, with an emphasis on excellent user experience. This list not only offers practical solutions to enhance a product manager's arsenal but also contributes to personal development and growth.