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The 10 fastest programming languages in the world

  • Programming languages play a vital role in the world of big data where tools that match this capability are a must-have to ensure high-speed data processing and management. The article provides information and comparisons that were tested on about 30 programming languages to determine their speed.
  • Assembly was not included since it would likely have taken the first place in the rankings. The ranking provides the 10 fastest programming languages based on the performance.
  • Dlang ranked 10th on the list of the fastest programming languages, followed by Swift, while Lua secured the 8th position.
  • Rust ranked 7th position and Perl secured the 6th position on the list of top 10 fastest programming languages.
  • Ada, which was named after Ada Lovelace, secured the 5th position, while Vala and Fortran came in at the 4th and 3rd positions respectively.
  • The C programming language was at the 2nd rank mainly used in developing operating systems, web browsers, and some game engines.
  • C++, which is based on Simula and also compiles C code, took the top spot on the list of world’s fastest programming languages.
  • All tests were carried out on a for loop that performs 1000 cycles, and this can be found on the GitHub repository linguagens-test-loop.
  • Big players in the tech industry like Apple have invested in developing languages such as Swift that compile to machine code and have high performance.
  • Rust built its ideas on Swift and combines the syntax of various languages like C++ and OCaml that also attributes its high-performance nature.

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