Changeability is the key skill for future-proofing ourselves and the capacity to drive and embrace change as a path to a better future.Entrepreneurs must stay flexible as speed of changes means that the only constant is change itself.Our biases, the mental shortcuts our brains take, can often sabotage our ability to adapt, keeping us tied to outdated beliefs and practices.The 4 most common biases that can hinder our ability to embrace change include anchoring bias and availability bias.Confirmation bias and loss aversion bias can also limit our ability to see positive potential in change.Recalibrating your mental equation of losses versus gains and creating a culture of open dialogue can help dismantle these biases.Active listening and empathy play crucial roles in understanding initial reactions to change.Recognizing our biases is not about eliminating them but learning how they shape our decisions as leaders.By addressing the biases that hold us back, we open the door to new opportunities-to grow, innovate, and help our teams thrive.According to Daphne Leger, our brains are hardwired to seek predictability and routine, often interpreting change as a potential threat.