Involving designers throughout the entire project can help maintain a consistent vision, align goals, and improve user experience.
Designers' involvement provides iterative improvements in the interface based on feedback, ensuring an effective interface.
Keeping designers engaged throughout the project allows them to make helpful suggestions for optimization in terms of both visual improvements and structural optimizations.
Providing detailed specifications, design systems, and comprehensive components and tokens can help with streamlining the development process and minimize inconsistencies.
Continuous participation of a designer ensures that the project remains true to its goals, especially as acceptance criteria change.
During the development process, a designer's work as a guide in implementation is essential, with a UI audit of each step and dealing with issues and resolving them.
A designer's work can include designing the logo, UI language, backlog, and design preparation for further stages of implementation.
Involving designers throughout the project journey leads to streamlined development, enhanced user experience, and a consistent vision and focus.
Continuous designer involvement can take a project to the next level by improving the design and ensuring that it is implemented as intended.
UX/UI design is a critical component of any project, and its significance must be fully recognized by all stakeholders to produce the best outcome.