Legacy payments, in the form of paper checks, are costing the business world both operationally and financially.
Check fraud is an ongoing challenge in the age of digital transactions, exposing vulnerabilities that pose a threat to business continuity.
Despite this, the majority of companies are yet to transition away from paper checks.
Digital payments offer a host of benefits, the most significant being enhanced cash flow, reduced operational costs, and stronger buyer-supplier relationships.
Adopting digital payment solutions can lead to substantial cost savings and improve visibility into a company's cash position.
Even though digital payments have numerous advantages, some businesses continue to resist them due to a lack of understanding and concerns about increased costs.
Partnerships with AP automation providers can facilitate the transition to digital payments and improve supplier relationships.
Finance leaders should evaluate processes, set clear goals, choose the right solutions, educate suppliers, and partner with automation providers for a successful transition.
Digital payments offer opportunities for businesses to boost revenues, increase customer satisfaction, and meet the demands of a digital-first market.
The digital transformation of B2B payments is essential, with paper checks representing a strategic liability.