There are two types of growth seekers: linear growth seekers and Rebels of the System. Rebels of the System can take two paths: become miserable or become seekers of meaning.
The cycle of self-actualization today can help you escape an ordinary life by creating value.
Value is created using 4 factors: Dream Outcome, Perceived Likelihood of Achievement, Time Delay, and Effort and Sacrifice.
Enhancing existing solutions is known as Value Arbitrage. Advantages of value arbitrage include easier and faster marketing, immediate revenue, customer loyalty, reduced risk, and adaptability.
The fastest way to find opportunities is to ask potential customers what problem they’d pay to solve and rank based on massive pain, purchasing power, ease of targeting, and growth.
The ultimate test of value is the market.
Wealth creation isn’t reserved for the elite. It's an open and positive sum game. With the explosive growth of the internet, there has never been a more abundant opportunity to create and scale value.
To get to the top of the value pyramid Obtain specific knowledge nobody else has, Find leverage, Make impact, and Be accountable and authentic with your personal brand.