Holiday seasons provide opportunities for scammer to exploit job seekers by posting fake job ads promising high pay and flexible hours.Job scams can lead to financial losses and compromise personal details like Social Security numbers (SSNs) and bank account information.Be wary of job offers from unsolicited email or social media messages that claim that you have been preselected for the role.Fake remote jobs that require cashing of fake checks or transferring of funds can also be part of a scam strategy.Job seekers face alarming risks during holiday seasons when businesses take on higher demand and consumers seek additional income.The average amount lost by victims in employment scams last year was $2,000 and over 15,000 cases were reported.Before applying for any position, research the potential employer and verify the job listing on the official website.Never share sensitive details such as SSN or bank account information through unsecured channels.Be cautious of jobs listed by distant or international employers and hold off on background checks until you've met the employer.Avoid jobs offered through unsolicited emails and be careful of work-at-home ads promising big earnings.