AI software is disrupting the tech landscape with startups leading the charge.From agentic automation to robotics & domain-specific AI apps, startups are transforming industries.Startups are at the forefront of developing autonomous digital agents that can collaborate with humans in new ways.The convergence of AI and robotics is giving rise to a new generation of startups focused on creating intelligent machines.Generative AI is enabling startups to build AI-native applications that are disrupting industries.Startups focused on deep domain-specific applications can carve out niches & solve real-world problems.Data management startups like Datology and Gretel are leading the charge in automating data curation.Startups like and are offering solutions for AI data security and compliance.Platforms like and Helicone offer tools to observe and evaluate AI models, ensuring they perform optimally under real-world conditions.These startups are transforming industries and creating groundbreaking tools that leverage the latest advancements in generative and agentic AI.