Selenium is a widely used automation tool. It is a suite of tools that helps to automate web browsers. The core of Selenium is Selenium WebDriver, which drives the browser directly.
Selenium IDE records the user actions on the web browser and exports them as a reusable script. It was developed to speed up the creation of automation scripts.
Selenium Remote Control (RC) server allows users to write application tests in various programming languages. Unlike RC, WebDriver does not require an additional server and interacts natively with browser applications.
Selenium Grid was designed to distribute commands to different machines simultaneously. It allows the parallel execution of tests on different browsers and operating systems.
Functional Testing involves the verification of every function of the application with the required specification. Regression Testing is a full or partial selection of already executed test cases that are re-executed to ensure existing functionalities work fine.
Selenium offers various locators to locate web elements, including link, partial link, name, tagname, classname, xpath, and CSS selector locators.
There are three types of waits in Selenium- Implicit, Explicit, and Fluent. Each of them waits for a different condition before proceeding with the code.
Methods like refresh(), navigate().forward(), and navigate().back() can be used to refresh the page and navigate through the website.
driver.close() method closes the browser’s current window, while driver.quit() method closes all open browser windows.
JavaScriptExecutor can be used to perform functionalities like scrolling down to the desired location,entering text into a textbox, maximizing or setting the window size.
The objects of the Select type can be initialized and used to perform operations like selecting an option that displays text matching the given argument.