Credit cards provide cash advance options for emergency cash, but limits apply.
A cash advance is like a loan taken out from your credit card, allowing you to withdraw money from an ATM with your credit card.
A cash advance limit is placed on the maximum amount you can withdraw with your credit card, typically lower than your regular credit limit.
The limit assures the credit card provider that you’ll be able to pay back the loan, and part of your credit limit still remains available for other purchases.
Before taking out a cash advance, take note that they have higher interest charges and different fees compared to regular credit card purchases.
Knowing the cash advance limit can help you plan your purchases, and you should not let the withdrawal max out your limit.
It’s wise to consider alternative options before using a cash advance, such as borrowing from family or friends.
If using a cash advance, make sure you are doing so wisely, keeping the amount within reason and limiting it to emergencies.
Most credit card providers don’t count cash advances as transactions that can earn reward points or cashback.
Consider turning off cash advances on your credit card as a security measure against unauthorized withdrawals.