Arrays are versatile and efficient data structures, but come with limitations like fixed size and sequential memory allocation.
Linked lists are dynamic data structures that store data in non-contiguous memory locations, allowing flexibility in size and efficient memory utilization.
Linked lists eliminate the need for contiguous memory allocation making it resilient to fragmentation.
Linked lists can dynamically grow or shrink during runtime without the need to pre-allocate or reallocate memory.
Adding or removing elements from linked lists is faster than in arrays, especially in the middle of the structure.
Singly linked, doubly linked, and circular linked lists are three types of linked lists.
Creating a linked list in C++ involves defining a node class and implementing the data and next pointer.
Memory for linked list nodes is allocated dynamically and needs to be deallocated using delete to avoid memory leaks.
Linked lists require more memory overhead than arrays, and slower access times since traversal is required.
Linked lists are a powerful alternative to arrays when dynamic size and efficient insertions or deletions are required.