In this article, the author explains how generators help streamline the process of data serving and separate concerns between data generation and rendering components, offering greater control and flexibility over data generation without compromising performance.
Generators are functions that can be paused and resumed and can be used to iterate over a collection of data or to generate a sequence of data, which, in turn, could be used to render content inside components.
Generators can simplify the logic and reduce reliance on hooks by creating a consistent API and separation of concerns between data generation and rendering.
A simple example is provided of how generators can be used to create a pattern with headlines, that can be extended and changed without altering the logic inside the component.
By creating a custom hook to handle the generator logic, the API for the generator remains consistent across components no matter how the logic shifts inside the generator.
Generators are memory-efficient, do not generate side effects or trigger irregular updates or mutations and ensure on-demand data generation to minimize state usage and avoid unnecessary data storage.
In conclusion, generators help simplify component logic, provide greater control and flexibility over data generation, and enhance performance without compromising performance.