This post provides a step-by-step guide to create a basic web application using Django as the back-end and React as the front-end.
The guide is written to serve as a foundation for beginners to build upon or as a source of inspiration to complete their projects.
The post is suitable for individuals seeking a solution to run Django and React under the same URL and serve the React UI as static files for Django.
The first step involves setting up Django as the back-end. This includes creating a project, creating a virtual environment, installing Django and creating a Django application.
The second step involves setting up React as the front-end. This includes creating a React application with Vite, updating in Django according to a specific format, creating a Django view and specifying the correct location of static files in React.
A third step is discussed which involves customizing the welcome page. This involves deleting files from the src/ directory except for App.jsx, App.css, and main.jsx, customizing these files and building the React app.
Lastly, the post provides a warning message and a solution to individuals who encounter problems when building the React app.
This post serves as a useful guide for beginners wishing to use Django and React to build web applications under a single URL.
It is recommended to follow the post's instructions step-by-step, in order to avoid making mistakes that may cause the application to fail.
In conclusion, this post is an excellent resource for beginners who want to experiment with Django and React and want to create a basic web application.