As a startup or crypto founder, understanding VC math is crucial to navigating the high-stakes world of venture capital.
VCs have distinct motivations and incentives that drive their actions.
In traditional VC, Limited Partners invest capital into the fund with the hope that General Partners will turn their investments into substantial returns.
GPs in crypto VC funds invest in projects and receive tokens in exchange, rather than equity.
VCs make money in two primary ways: through exits and appreciation.
In crypto VC deals, tokens are rarely given to VCs all at once.
Liquidity events, such as token listings on exchanges, allow crypto VCs to sell portions of their tokens for cash.
VCs need to demonstrate to LPs that they’re generating value. They do this using a few key metrics.
In both traditional and crypto VCs, a small percentage of investments drive the majority of returns.
While traditional and crypto VCs look for different things, there’s a lot of overlap in their core criteria.