Recent theories about the quantum nature of gravity provide some unique and fantastic answers to these millennia-old questions.
The flow of time is an illusion based on a succession of immediate memories, your experience of now, and a succession of events you anticipate in the coming seconds.
The reason for remembering the past and not the future has to do with entropy.
Relativity offers at least two views of the nature of objective reality. In one, space-time is a “block” in which the worldlines of all objects exist in their entirety.
Loop quantum gravity proposes that space consists of objects called nodes that define where three-dimensional space exists.
An entangled system could give rise to the phenomenon of time and scientists have begun to test this hypothesis in the lab.
Related to the idea of quantum entanglement is the no-boundary proposal for the origin of the Big Bang.
On the cosmic scale, time seems to be a feature of entangled relationships between objects and not a feature from outside our universe.
The arrow of time is a consequence of the increasing entropy of an expanding universe since the Big Bang.
Our universe seems to have a consistent story to tell in the first place!