Facebook Messenger has uploaded my e-mail list despite not being authorised to do so.
Facebook gathered the largest bulk of user data compared to LinkedIn and Google.
Facebook Messenger has collected metadata from 530 sites visited over the past two years.
Linkedin collects data on users such as name, email, job title, contacts list, followed groups, messages and searches.
Google stores information like 12678 search terms, 10173 URLs visited, 6272 URLs advertising Google, 3677 URLs with Google analytics and 1426 interactions with Google maps and image search since 2018.
Google also has an archive of 336 email messages sent or received since 2018, along with metadata like attachments and recipients.
These companies generate vast revenues from their commercialised data on users.
No privacy breach has been suspected, however concerns remain over online privacy.
The user discovered all this about their personal information after he requested Facebook to send his personal data.
The user was able to see how all this data was being used for advertising and marketing campaigns.