Samsung will launch its new Galaxy S25 series on 22 January with subtle redesign, 3 tiers of flagships - standard, Plus and Ultra and Snapdragon 8 Elite processor. But phone features remain uncertain apart from rumours that Samsung could add a personal AI Agent, wireless charging standard but no built-in magnets, and new upgraded sensors with longer battery life on the Galaxy Ring 2.
Samsung is expected to launch three tiers of flagships — standard, Plus and Ultra — during the Unpacked event. These are expected to be powered by Qualcomm, One UI7 on top of Android 15.
New leaked video and images suggest the tricky design of Galaxy S25
Samsung plans to spend significant time on the generative AI features of its phones during the launch event. Rumours suggest that the Galaxy S25 series may even include “an AI Agent that provides personalised clothing plans and transport information.”
Samsung is going to add Qi2 wireless charging standard to its new flagships, but unlike Apple’s MagSafe it won't have built-in magnets to enable that charging standard.
Rumours have buzzed about alleged Galaxy S25 Slim but not part of Unpacked event that Samsung may launch later in the year.
Samsung Galaxy Ring 2, this wearable health tracker may have two more sizes and new AI features to enable more accurate measurements and longer battery life.
Samsung may also tease the augmented reality (AR) glasses during the January Unpacked event. These Google partner glasses can look like regular prescription glasses and could weigh around 50g.
Samsung is co-developing an Android XR (extended reality) headset, Project Moohan, with Google and Qualcomm, that could have passthrough video, a state-of-the-art display and natural multi-modal input.
Unlike the last Unpacked event, Samsung will hold no public event for this year's Unpacked.