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Why AI won’t make you a better writer

  • National Novel Writing Month has announced that it will allow AI-generated writing as part of the competition this year.
  • The problem is not in AI usage to write novels for this competition, but in permitting and sanctioning the use of AI as part of the event, which might result in having the robot take over the writing process.
  • The problem with AI is that it is built with too many intended purposes, and it is difficult to specify optimal use cases.
  • In the creative process, AI can be helpful, but only as a tool for the writer to use, rather than having the writer rely on it.
  • AI might be harmful to creative skills and emotional satisfaction as it often accomplishes the acceptance of creative work that humans have long found fulfilling.
  • A writer should write a story that only he/she can write. It's the most reliable way to produce great literature.
  • Writing is something creative that has very few barriers to entry, so writers must focus on taking inspiration and turning it into something with intention and have AI as a tool rather than a replacement.
  • Established writers may benefit from beta readers or experienced editors to help them tease out their unique voice as opposed to having AI trample all over it.
  • As much as AI could help writers, there will always be a strong dependence on human creativity and skills to create unique and meaningful literature.
  • AI-generated writing will not help a writer become a better writer; it will only lead to the creation of robotic prose that lacks originality and creativity.

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