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WoW Factor: Is World of Warcraft’s War Within the ‘come back’ expansion Blizzard wanted it to be?

  • World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, The War Within, has been generally well-received and kept player engagement high since its release in late Summer.
  • However, it is still too early to determine if the game has truly made a comeback as it remains to be seen if Blizzard will take risks with its future plans for the franchise.
  • While The War Within addressed many of WoW’s pain points and saw the inclusion of delves and other casual-friendly slots, some problems such as class balance and pay-to-win mounts remain.
  • Despite this, the MMO has seen high player engagement and new content with plenty for everyone including progression nerds, story people and fashionistas.
  • The game portrays a more achievable and sustainable growth in comparison to the previous expansions.
  • WoW’s future plans as announced in the Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct livestream could play a big role in long-term engagement.
  • The history and footprint of the MMORPG industry has made World of Warcraft change over the past two decades.
  • The War Within has done a good job of keeping WoW in the headlines for over four months, but it remains to be seen what the future holds for the franchise.
  • Players are keenly awaiting the future plans for the MMO, with hopes that the future expansion will give players more reasons to care about their characters.
  • Regardless, the idea of The War Within being a solid expansion that stabilized WoW’s downward trajectory has been achieved.

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