Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath unveiled the ‘Innovators under 25’ initiative, marking the launch of WTFundWTFund, a non-equity fund, selected 15 entrepreneurs providing up to INR 20 lakh in non-equity grantsThe entrepreneurs can retain the full ownership of their startup with Kamath not having any stake in themKamath is empowering resilient founders who deeply understand their problem spaceMars Computers aims to make high-performance computing accessible via the cloud, designed to disrupt the creative and developer ecosystemBioCompute uses DNA storage for archival storage with cost-effective and sustainable storage solutionsRNT Health Insights improves early detection of gastric cancer using AI with spatial and temporal deep learning modelsPixa build AI-powered toys that function as personalised tutors for children aged 5 to 12CallPrep transforms sales workflows by automating pre-meeting preparation, giving sales reps accurate insightsWTFund also invested in Urban Animal, Oh! Nuts, Pawsible Foods and Pamawel which offer sustainable and healthy solutions for humans and pets