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Zuzalu is ...
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Image Credit: Hackernoon

Zuzalu is Dead. Long Live Zuzalu! - Metamorphosis Commenced v3

  • Chiang Mai is hosting 9 Zuzalu Ecosystem Pop-up Cities between October and early November, which is the highest number ever at one location.
  • Zuzalu was the first-ever pop-up city of its kind, lasting 2 months in Montenegro in 2023. It has now evolved into a full out pop-up gathering.
  • Pop-up Cities are exclusionary and mainly cater to young, tech-native men. Builders in Africa, Latin America or Asia, who provide immense value to this movement, cannot join due to passport and budget limitations.
  • Pop-up Cities do not have the rails, position and capabilities to realize the massiveness of the Network State yet.
  • Zuzalu's big questions are unanswered- what is Zuzalu? Who decides who is and isn't a Zuzalian?
  • Pop-up Cities need key infrastructural tools, tested business models, and data analysis, such as GDP, GDP per Capita, Gini Coefficient, Social Progress Index, etc.
  • Zuzalu's definition is tricky, but Xenofon's Manifesto defines it as a group of ever-changing people that seek to protect their freedom, culture, and prosperity from existing social structures.
  • Chiang Mai is currently hosting 9 Pop-up Cities occurring simultaneously, mainly targeting Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Local Culture, Decentralized Science, Women in Web3, and Pop-up City culture.
  • ZuForever, an infrastructure and coordination organization, focuses on solving the biggest barrier in the ecosystem- housing and co-living.

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