Linux Mint is known for customizability, and adding visual effects to your Cinnamon desktop is a great way to take advantage of this.
You can install extensions easily using the Cinnamon System Settings application and there are several options available.
Burn My Windows can animate the movement of windows opening and closing using several predefined options.
Compiz windows effect and Wobbly Windows are great for wobbly window effects when a window is moved by dragging.
Magic Lamp Effect animates application window minimize and maximize with a “light spreading and returning from a torch” like animation.
Opacify Windows customization allows adjusting the opacity of a window while it's being dragged or resized.
You can enable Window effects inbuilt in Cinnamon settings and set the desktop animations and Window effects to Fly (or any other available) for extra eye candy.
Cinnamon offers two options for animated windows switching such as Coverflow (3D) and Timeline (3D).
Flipper animation gives more control over workspace switching effects such as transitions, easing, and other tweaks.
The Desktop Cube extension provides Compiz cube-like animation for desktop switching.
Cinnamon Maximus can help with tiled windows by removing window title bars in tiled mode.