Rockchip’s RK3588 and RK3576 chips are compared in detail from multiple aspects.
From a CPU performance point of view, RK3588 has a more advanced core architecture than RK3576.
The GPU of RK3588 has a higher OpenCL version and unique shader core and layered tiler structure which may make it superior in graphics processing capabilities.
In terms of NPU computing power and support for deep learning frameworks, RK3588 and RK3576 are similar and can meet common AI needs.
RK3588 has a wider memory bit width and support for high-speed mode, making it perform better in the read and write performance of storage devices.
In multimedia performance, RK3588 has stronger video decoding capabilities and can provide better display effects than RK3576.
RK3588 has a higher pixel ISP resolution and better video input interface flexibility.
In audio interfaces, RK3588 has added VAD function, which may have superior intelligence and pertinence in audio processing.
In terms of high-speed interfaces, RK3588 is more advanced in USB interface and has a more flexible PCIe interface configuration.
RK3576 has a more detailed security configuration, including key ladders and richer encryption algorithm support.
RK3588 is more advanced in Linux and Android versions, which may have certain advantages in software development and system compatibility.