In this post, the process of setting up an inference endpoint for link predictions using a trained GNN model for the Twitch social networking data in Neptune ML is described.
To create the endpoint, the Neptune cluster's API and model artifacts in S3 are used, with specific IAM role and trust policy requirements.
Curl commands are employed to establish the inference endpoint and select EC2 instance type for link prediction.
The endpoint ID is obtained, and its status can be checked to ensure it is 'InService' before using it for queries.
Queries are utilized to identify vertices with the highest number of connections and to predict potential new connections in the graph.
Gremlin queries involving Neptune ML predicates are executed to get predictions with confidence thresholds and exclude existing connections.
The predicted connections can be used for personalized recommendations, user engagement strategies, and targeted advertising in social networking datasets.
Link prediction extends beyond social networking to various applications such as recommendation engines and network optimization, offering valuable insights and enhanced user experiences.