About 30% of travelers plan to use AI in their holiday travel planning, as per a recent survey by Matador Network.
66.6% of travelers who have used AI before are likely to use it again for their upcoming trips.
Millennials and Gen Z travelers are more likely (about 48.1%) to rely on AI compared to older generations.
Personal Experiences with AI in Travel are shared by travelers. AI tools help save time, customize travel recommendations and offer personalized itineraries.
Families are enthusiastic about the perks AI brings to holiday travel planning such as accessibility-focused recommendations for travelers with disabilities & personalized itineraries.
Surveys indicate high satisfaction levels among those who have used AI in travel planning.
Matador Network, with over 16 million followers on social media, offers GuideGeek which is an AI-powered travel assistant providing personalized responses via platforms like Instagram.
Travelers using AI in travel planning should consider being specific with their questions, exploring custom versions and combining resources with traditional travel resources.
As travelers, we can enhance our journeys by harmonizing tradition with technology, as AI offers convenience and personalization transforming our approach for travel planning.