Organizations are building too many ambitious products to compete in the market, which are difficult to sustain, and as a result they are failing.
The key to successful product development is to build a collection of small products that solve one specific problem for one group of people very well.
The best products are built by small teams with diverse skill-sets, backgrounds and perspectives.
You should delegate decision making authority to the team, as they have a better understanding of the product which will allow them to make better decisions for the business.
Every product needs a good roadmap so the team can plan for what’s coming, but the best products are built by teams that can quickly respond to new market insights.
Outcomes should centre around few key questions such as what does it do for our business? And how do we know if the product is going to succeed?
Cultivate a community of users who like interacting with your new products and are not afraid of testing your product in the market.
The key to successful innovation lies in establishing a culture where good ideas can be made real, where the company and its teams can learn by doing, and are empowered to experiment and make mistakes.
Companies need to learn from the market by engaging with users and competitors to develop their culture, how they work together and how they empower teams to try something new.
The digital product development industry is always getting better with trial and errors, which differentiates the successful companies from the unsuccessful ones.