Autistic and transgender or gender diverse individuals report lower quality healthcare when compared to their peers who identify as cisgender.
Previous studies have shown that both autistic individuals and TGD individuals face significant barriers in accessing quality healthcare.
A survey aimed at assessing the quality of healthcare experiences found that autistic TGD individuals reported remarkably poorer healthcare experiences, particularly compared to non-autistic cisgender individuals.
The survey also revealed that autistic TGD people were at least three times more likely to experience anxiety, shutdowns, and meltdowns in typical healthcare scenarios.
The percentage of long-term mental and physical health conditions diagnosed among autistic TGD individuals was higher, emphasizing the need for tailored healthcare solutions for these marginalized groups.
Autistic and TGD individuals are at higher risk for suicide and self-harm.
The study calls for a proactive approach to healthcare reform to minimize barriers and foster an environment of trust and understanding that is crucial for effective treatment and care.
Solvinng these issues is not just about better healthcare delivery; it is about reaffirming the dignity and worth of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or neurodiversity.
Experts advocate for systemic change within healthcare frameworks, informing clinicians of the unique challenges faced by autistic TGD individuals.
The work of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University serves as a clarion call for action to address systemic failures within healthcare systems and to turn empathy into actionable change for autistic and TGD individuals.