By Grit Alone puts you in the shoes of a nameless passenger aboard a cryo transport.
Developer Crooks Peaks's By Grit Alone is a good sci-fi horror VR game.
Every weapon has dual-purposes in By Grit Alone.
Besides the obvious bona fides, like Dead Space (2008) scribe Antony Johnston himself co-writing alongside Emma Beeby, there's so much evident inspiration.
Realizing there are multiple spaceships to explore is especially cool.
By Grit Alone can be absolutely brutal at points.
By Grit Alone is undeniably built for those who are more experienced with VR.
That's the issue.Individually, they're all just a step away from being these super cool moments - they're just a little out of tune, and what should be fun becomes frustrating.
By Grit Alone leaves quite the striking impression within minutes and it never lets go.
It's been a long, long time since I've truly lost myself in a horror game like I did with By Grit Alone.