Canonical is collaborating with OpenAirInterface (OAI) to develop and promote open source software for Open RAN.
The two companies aim to establish an open source framework for Open RAN with interoperability between various system components.
Canonical will help provide automation in software lifecycle management to OAI’s RAN stack, enhancing infrastructure capabilities.
Open source software can be integrated with multiple hardware and software components from different vendors, ensuring carrier-grade and open-source software stack for network function vendors and telcos.
The initiative aims to integrate open source software solutions which brings extra layers of security and efficiency.
Canonical is promoting Open RAN with open-source virtual RAN (vRAN) workloads, while focusing on user experience, cloud-native development environments, security and transparency.
Some of the tracks will involve performance optimization with strong partnerships with silicon vendors and tests of software and hardware interoperability on different architectures.
Canonical’s automation in software lifecycle management will enhance orchestration for OAI RAN software stack.
OpenAirInterface expressed excitement in collaborating with Canonical towards the common goal of achieving Open RAN as an open-source technology.
Canonical plays a pivotal role in the open-source cloud-native ecosystem and aims to incubate a wider ecosystem for open RAN and boost adoption of open source technologies in 5G RAN deployments.