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Conquering Flatpak Icons on LXDE (Pop!_OS Edition)

  • Flatpak applications sometimes place .desktop files and icons in locations that certain desktop environments don’t automatically scan. The article presents a Perl script that gathers Flatpak .desktop files and icons to update them in the local folder, generate an XML menu for both LXDE and GNOME, recursively searches for icons and updates the local hicolor icon cache. This script finds and fixes icon references, copying them to the correct directory and builds an up-to-date menu for LXDE and GNOM.
  • If you’ve switched from a more 'stock' GNOME or KDE environment to LXDE, you may have discovered that the default LXDE panel menu does not always see your Flatpak entries.
  • The script automates the entire process of finding the .desktop files, fixing icon references, copying them to correct directory, and building up-to-date menu.
  • This Perl-based script is more robust and has better string handling functionality than similar Bash-based scripts.
  • If this script cannot find icons locally, it will attempt to download them from external sources.
  • Users should expect a new “Flatpak Applications” category present in the old-school LXDE environment if the script has been successfully run.
  • Finding and fixing icon references and rebuilding any necessary menus can be tedious tasks; a script like this can thus be mostly beneficial from a time-management perspective.
  • The script can be adjusted to include a different icon size or store multiple resolutions, and multiple menu directories can be included or skipped. Users can also uncomment and configure the code to fetch the script from external sources.
  • Users can find the script in the GitHub Gist on the referenced website.
  • The script presented in this article helps unify Flatpak files and icons in the local folder, accurately rebuilds menus and saves the users time. The script designs icons, generates a final XML for both LXDE and GNOME and fine-tunes any visual inconsistencies.

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