AWS Glue Jobs API is a robust and versatile interface that allows data engineers and developers to programmatically manage and run ETL jobs in order to automate, schedule, and monitor large-scale data processing.
You can use AWS Glue Jobs API to create AWS Glue script, visual, or notebook job mode programmatically.
AWS Glue jobs mode property will determine job mode corresponding to script, visual, or notebook.
AWS Glue users can choose the mode that best fits their preferences for some extract, transform and load developers, data scientists and data engineers.
The JobMode property has been introduced to improves your user interface experience.
You can use CreateJob API to create AWS Glue script or visual or notebook jobs.
You can use AWS CloudFormation to create different types of AWS Glue jobs by specifying the JobMode parameter with the AWS::Glue::Job resource.
This post demonstrates how AWS Glue Job API works with a newly introduced job mode property.
A new property named JobMode is introduced, which describes the mode of AWS Glue jobs available.
The new console experience helps users search and discover jobs based on JobMode.