Keystone, the Identity Service in OpenStack provides an API to deal with authentication and service discovery. It combines multiple services that expose endpoints.
Installation begins by setting up a message queue - RabbitMQ, used by OpenStack to coordinate operations among services.
Keystone requires Memcached as a token cache, etcd as a distributed configuration store, and a PostgreSQL database to store configurations.
Bootstrap Keystone with the admin user and project, roles, and a region using a token provider and backend configuration.
Configure Apache HTTP server with WSGI and create symbolic links to wsgi-keystone.conf files.
Keystone requires a small environment script to set environment variables.
By sourcing the admin environment script and requesting a token, authentication is processed without needing a password.
This article demonstrates how to install Keystone and its dependencies, create the admin user, and configure Apache on the controller node.
In the next article, the Image (Glance) and the Placement service will be set up.
The installation covers multiple services that will all run on the controller node.