Containers increase scalability and reduce the complexity of deploying web applications. In this article, we go through the process of deploying an ASP.NET framework web application on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
The article is structured into several sections leading with prerequisites that must be satisfied before proceeding. Briefly, you need an AWS account, AWS CLI, Kubectl, Docker, and some familiarity with Kubernetes terminology.
To begin, the article explains how to create an EKS cluster and then configures the Kubernetes CLI tool (kubectl) before finally setting up a node group.
The containerized ASP.NET application is then created by writing a Dockerfile and building the image. Next, a repository is created in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), and the image is pushed via Docker push command.
The deployment to Amazon EKS is done through a Kubernetes deployment and service. Two YAML files are written, deployment.yaml and service.yaml, which are used to apply the deployment and service respectively.
The article ends with a few pointers on further management and monitoring features available in Amazon EKS, like using Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, logging within ASP.NET, and auto-scaling configuration.
Overall, the article provides an excellent guide for developers looking to deploy their ASP.NET web application to Amazon's EKS service.