Starting with JDK 9, you may need to add some “–add-exports” or “–add-opens” parameters to the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS. With Java 17, it is fully in effect so you may start seeing some issues if you don’t have the correct configuration.
Documentum 23.2 and 23.4 added full support for JDK 17, but not defining JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS when trying to install and run Documentum might result in some issues.
Installing the Documentum binaries without defining the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS doesn’t generate any errors or warnings, but it might cause a silent failure with the DFC installation.
Without JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the DFC doesn’t get installed with the Documentum binaries but the rest looks good. Manually installing DFC would work.
Installing a Connection Broker without defining the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS doesn’t cause any issues, but connecting to it will require a DFC.
Trying to run the Repository installation without defining JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS will cause the installation to quickly fail because of its dependency on DFC.
Defining JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is required for both the Documentum Server binaries and the Repository installation. It also helps at runtime with utilities such as dmqdocbroker/iapi/idql.
OpenText has included Java options in several places, but it's still not enough for a fully functional setup.
Overall, adding the correct Java options will help ensure a smooth installation and usage of Documentum.