ENGAGE XR School of AI Historical Figures is an amazing way of meeting and talking to some of the greatest minds in history.
The School of AI promotion is accessible through the interface of ENGAGE XR through VR, 2D, or mobile. Visit the School of AI to have a transformative experience.
The AI historical figures allow you to have an amazing interactive session with them. You can ask them to repeat what they just said to absorb and process their words.
The historical AI characters include Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, and Marie Curie.
The historical figure that caught the author off guard is Socrates, who had an in-depth discussion with them exploring facts and thoughts.
There are 21 sets of characters, including Cleopatra, Neil Armstrong, William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, and Vincent Van Gogh on the list of the greatest minds throughout history.
Access to the School of AI historical figures is free for all ENGAGE XR accounts, and ENGAGE XR Enterprise customers can use them for their own class, school, or business upon arrangement with their team.
ENGAGE XR has added guard rails to ensure discussions with these characters don’t derail, but to have an authentic conversation with these characters.
School of AI is almost a master class to talk to and learn directly from these historical AIs.
The School of AI isn't a formal course or school, but their name for the collection of AI historical figures.