Web application fuzzing stands as a critical technique for uncovering vulnerabilities and developing exploits.
This practical guide equips aspiring cyber warriors with the knowledge to wield BASH scripting as a powerful weapon in creating custom fuzzing tools.
Fuzzing is a dynamic analysis technique used in software testing and security assessments.
Fuzzing explores the vast input space of a program; generating inputs with a high likelihood of triggering bugs or vulnerabilities.
Fuzzing can be categorized into several types based on the knowledge and approach used - black-box, white-box, grey-box, generation-based, mutation-based, and evolutionary.
BASH scripting for web fuzzing offers simplicity and seamless system integration.
Limitations of using BASH for web fuzzing are that it can be slow on large-scale projects and implementing advanced fuzzing techniques can be challenging.
The tutorial covers creating payloads and request handling, including writing a function for sending requests and response analysis.
By fuzzing the application, we can identify the application's breaking point, which can often be a place to exploit.
Overall, web application fuzzing using Bash is a perfect starting point for aspiring cyber warriors.