Organizations worldwide must balance the benefits of AI and machine learning with the need to maintain security, compliance, and resilience.
AWS offers a wide range of AI/ML services and capabilities, built on our sovereign-by-design foundation, that are making it simpler for our customers to meet their digital sovereignty needs while getting the security, control, compliance, and resilience that they need.
AWS services support encryption so that customers can secure their generative AI workloads anywhere and everywhere.
To promote the responsible development and use of AI systems, AWS provides safeguards tailored to customer generative AI applications and aligned with their responsible AI policies.
AWS is committed to support customers to build fairer and more transparent AI applications to foster trust, meet regulatory requirements, and use AI to benefit their business and stakeholders
Resilience plays a pivotal role in the development of any workload, and AI/ML workloads are no different.
AWS provides more diversity, choice, and flexibility so that customers can select the AI solution that best aligns with their specific requirements.
Amazon SageMaker provides tools and infrastructure to build, train, and deploy ML models at scale while supporting responsible AI.
Security is and always has been the top priority at AWS.
AWS European Sovereign Cloud will offer an additional layer of control and resilience for customers with specific European Union data sovereignty requirements.