The SOC Prime Threat Bounty Program is designed for individual contributors who submit original, high-quality detection rules that address emerging cyber threats.
Threat Bounty members are responsible for ensuring their content is original and free of any conflict of interest.
To ensure a successful experience in SOC Prime’s rewards program, understanding how to fully utilize the capabilities of Uncoder AI is essential.
Successful contributors submit content that addresses recent, high-impact threats. Stay updated on current threats.
To make the most of your participation in the Threat Bounty Program, consider these proven approaches that will help you stand out and succeed.
Offer exclusive expertise. Pay attention to recommendations provided in the Program guides.
Submitting high-quality rules regularly helps build your individual brand as a trusted contributor
The Threat Bounty Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity for detection engineers, SOC analysts, and threat hunters to make a real impact and elevate their expertise.
By focusing on innovation, quality, and consistency, you can maximize your success and have an additional source of earnings monetizing your detection engineering skills.