Google has launched the first developer beta of its Android 16 on November 10, 2021. Which is very early compared to the regular release update. Google has shifted release timing to ensure app developers can prepare their apps for new Android updates faster.The first Developer Preview for Android 16 is available today followed by another one to follow in the month of December.From January to April 2025, Google will release the beta version of Android 16.Google plans to release new features only in Q2, followed by another Android release in Q4.Android 16 has a new API that will make it “feel like a more integrated part of the app”Android 16 Developer Preview 1 also includes new APIs for reading and writing health records.Google is working closely with its device partners to bring the Q2 release to as many devices as possible.Android 16 is designed for developers only and shouldn't be downloaded on primary smartphones.Google will add additional features throughout future Developer Previews and Beta releases.